AML risk analysis

The verification document of the risk management department for money laundering and terrorist financing

Risk analysis needs to be attached to FINMA applications in order to get an authorization as asset and it concretises the framework established by AML Directive and the Directive on risk management and internal control. It is a working document that includes much of the money laundering and terrorist financing risks that the classic business of an individual asset manager entails. The analysis must be completed by the compliance and / or risk management and internal control department or by an outsourced third party appointed for this purpose, indicating in particular which risk identification and mitigation measures the financial institution has taken and whether they have been shortcomings were identified in the mechanism for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

How it works

Sign up for free.

Charge your account (only for paid services).

Download the contract in Word format and fill it in according to your needs.

Contact us if you need support from a lawyer to complete the document.

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